sid Metropolitan Detroit Chapter
Main Page Conferences/Events Membership History Links
Chapter History
1987 Chapter was formed by Dr. Zvi Yaniv
1995 SID Symposium on Vehicle Displays and U of M Flat Panel Display Strategic Forum held at the Radisson on the Lake Hotel in Ypsilanti, Michigan (General Chair Dr. Zvi Yaniv, Program Chairs Robert Donofrio and Dr. Asish Ghosh)
1996 SID Symposium on Vehicle Displays and Flat Panel Strategic Forum (U of Michigan). (General Chair Dr. Zvi Yaniv (VP and COO of SI Diamond), Program Chairs R. Donofrio and Dr. Asish Ghosh)
1997 Celebration of Chapter Formation at the 1997 Flat Panel Display Strategic Form and Technical Symposium held by the SID and the University of Michigan in Marriott Hotel in Ypsilanti Michigan. (Program Chairs Robert Donofrio and Dr. Samuel Musa - Director of the Center for Display Technology and Manufacturing)
1998 5th Annual Flat Panel Display Strategic and Technical Symposium (Program Chairs Robert Donofrio and Dr. Samuel Musa)

SID Awards 1998

5 scholarship Awards of $750 each
Universities Represented: Wayne State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan State
1999 6th Annual Strategic and Technical Symposium on Vehicle Displays and Microsensors (Program Chairs Robert Donofrio, Dr. Samuel Musa and Dr. Kensall Wise)
2000 7th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium held Oct 3rd, 2000 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Dearborn Michigan (General Chair Silviu Pala, Program Chair Robert Donofrio)
2001 8th Annual Symposium on Vehicle Displays - Oct 15th & 16th, 2001 held at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, Detroit Michigan (Conference Chair Silviu Pala (Denso-international), Program Chair Robert Donofrio (DDC))
2002 9th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium
2003 10th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium, Ypsilanti, MI    3D display         Group around VDO exhibit
Testing out 3D Inc's glasses at a tabletop exhibit.             Siemens VDO demonstration.

SID 2003 Ypsilanti, MI
Presentation hall: 2003 SID Vehicle Display Symposium
2004 11th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium, October 21-22, Canton, MI
SID VDS 2004
A success with more than 100 people in attendancefrom all over the world (Australia, Beljium, Canada, Germany, Hong-Kong, Korea, Netherlands, UK, and .  This photo shows a portion of the attendees in the modern and spacious Yazaki Learning center

Vince Award
Award to Dr. Vince Cannella for outstanding work on starting and leading the local  metropolitan detroit chapter of SID.

Dr. Bhise gives a seminar on driver distraction and human factors.  One of a full 2 day agenda of distinguished speakers.
2005 12th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium October 6-7 at Fairlane Center in Dearborn, MI
2006 13th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium October 12-13 at Fairlane Center in Dearborn, MI
2007 14th Annual Vehicle Display Symposium October 11-12 at Fairlane Center in Dearborn, MI